Covered area: 2465 sq.ft.

Saleable area: 2810 sq.ft.

YLS Unit Plan A Ground Floor

Ground Floor

YLS Unit Plan A First Floor

First Floor

YLS Unit Plan A Terrace

Terrace Floor

Covered area: 2350 sq.ft.

Saleable area: 2679 sq.ft.

YLS Unit Plan B Ground Floor

Ground Floor

YLS Unit Plan B First Floor

First Floor

YLS Unit Plan B Tarrece

Terrace Floor

Villa Features

  • 4 large-sized bedrooms in each villa with attached toilets. Separate dress areas.
  • Puja room, Store room and Pantry.
  • Family lounge for private functions. front and rear lawns for a rich look.
  • A large Porch to accommodate a sedan and a large roof terrace for family parties.

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